
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pretty (the vagina song) NSFW - original song


I haven't seen a living soul in oh, about 48 hours. 

Super fortunate to be in upper Manhattan and not have much affected by the post-tropical storm.  Lower Manhattan below 39th got the worst of it.  Subways are out until further notice.  Power is out for about      60,000 in NYC alone.

Posting an updated copy of this older song, Pretty on the site.  I always forgot how it breaks people's brains when I play it.

For more information on the origins of the song, click here.

Took me about seven takes to record it today.  Here's why:

1)Despite my career, and despite a great deal of the audacious things I say or do, I'm at heart a pretty shy boy.  Staring at a camera while singing this song made me uncomfortable as hell at times.

2)I'm not attractive.  Especially with such a direct, open, sexual song like this.  I'm a troll-faced mush and I'd catch myself on film in the middle of a take, and it'd creep me out.  Heart of a poet, face of a prison guard.  I really don't know why any poor lass would find me attractive at all.

If you like it, pass it around!


youre a woman
what a woman
the hunger that you cant deny
im a lover
like none other
the finest lover eight five bucks can buy
thats why youve come to me
taking a knee
and as you cup my sack
i feel your breath up close
your tongue flickering everywhere

and when the the hour runs out
well go our separate ways
returning back to making do
but listen lover for a moment
let the moment find its haze
theres something simple
that id like to say to you

youve got a pretty vagina
id give my life for just one taste
i see your labia minor
sitting silent  alone
such a gorgeous waste
my tongue yearns for your touch
youll never have too much
oh yes
youve got a pretty vagina
id love to make her shine

second verse
passion mounting
as youre mounting
straddling me atop my thighs
firm yet gentle
your breath in syncopation
the thrust you make
attentive i stroke your calf
provoking a laugh
as if youre hearing a joke
no ones spoke
in your eyes
joy flickering everywhere


third verse
ten years later
you dont even blink an eye
im forgotten
and its rotten
im just another penis
you cant recall
tears fall from my dirty skin
doors open again
before you walk right out
you turn around and kiss my cheek
my cheek
your scent chocolate
