
Saturday, February 12, 2011

You have arrived ( Serial Killer Interior Decoration Tips)

Here you are.

2789 miles east.  Boxes unpacked.  Laundry washed.  And you know you're finally home because you cooked your first meal.  Haven't cooked in ages.

Sure, it's Kraft macaroni and hamburger, but that simple act of tossing food onto a hot surface and letting the scent waft over the kitchen opens a kindness within you, makes you smile for the first time in a long while.

You have arrived.  And you've got a lot of work to do.

Your brother took one look at your furnishings and remarked, " It looks like a serial killer lives here".  He has a point.


1)Cardboard littered on the floor (why? to cover up blood, of course)

2) Heaps of items on the floor (books, clothes, etc)

3) The attractive sight of garbage bags instead of curtains duct-taped to the windows.
 4) The ineffable sounds of banging (and possibly wailing?) coming from the heating vent.

5)The fact that the police knocked on your door this week to ask you questions (sure , it was about the previous tenant, but then, one doesn't know how the previous tenant "vanished")

6) One impossibly modern and sterile section of the room which sticks out like the Amish at a skin head rally:

7) Cardboard used as furniture (see above photo)

So, you need to take step to strip away this impromptu serial killer interior decoration. Curtains need to be purchased, bookshelves and sock drawers too.  There are pictures to hang up and essential oils to burn and a tv stand to purchase.  If anyone feels generous and wants to donate some scratch to this poor miserable sod, the paypal link's on the main page.

Again, lots of work to do....

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