
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Trophies - poem


Here's a new poem.  Donors to my new Patreon account got to see it a week ago. I'll explain tomorrow more about the Patreon situation, and how it's a more updated, more communal version of ODES AND NONSENSE.

Used to find it 
Shivering myself warm in some dusty winter lodge, 
Gazing upon a prostrate 
Bear skin rug. 
Glass eyes wide and blinkless, shining glimpses of the crackling fireplace. 
Seemed wasteful. 
Beyond the logistics of recreational murder. 

Creating and hunting a monster Is a rich person’s game. 
One needs professionals. 
The most patient, effective 
Tools to tear out flesh. 
One must isolate that still-beating 
Note of empathy, muffle it into a cold, tuneless void. 
One must suffer to make the silent, shockwave sounds of greater suffering. 

Some years ago, Through savings and death and inheritance, 
Through the compound interest of dissatisfaction, I found my own quarry. 
Chose my hunting party. 
Slouched uneasily in the orthodontics chair. 
And, with a minimal gloss of anesthetic, 
Had a front row seat to the death of that beast. 
His gnarled and yellowed fangs, wrestled brutely 
From their bleeding stumps. And yes, 
Though it was and remains 
More waking terror-torture than  I’ve ever known 
I demanded those nine teeth be surrendered to me. 
In a paper envelope, creased with a thin stamp of blood. 
But what marks me apart from other hunters is this: 
They’re not displayed. 
No pride or pompous pleasure fills 
A room with this torment, this work. 
They’re tossed in an unused closet, along with 
Old, handwritten love letters and mementos 
From mentors long dead from cancer.

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