
Thursday, March 29, 2012

New song - Matt and Joe's Wedding Song


I was gonna post this during the weekend, but youtube gobbled up my video earlier than I thought, and it's already getting viewed, so no time like the present.  Seriously, pass this one on to as many folks as you can.  It's a really sweet song and it's the most realistic, warm, precise version of love I could imagine.  It's the kind of love I see between Matt and Joe.  The kind of love I really wish I could experience. 

I've known Joe since college, and the path which led him to the vibrant, beautiful guy he is today was a long and storied one, and I'm honored to have been there for most of its ups and downs.  The late night phone calls, the loud, frantic giggling over silly inside jokes, the struggle to define himself and how he could serve theatre.  The people he loved who left this earth too soon, the clear and awakening force which led to him coming out in his mid-twenties.  The job we got hired to do unbeknownst to one another which ushered in a delightful and chaotic new group of people. The theatre company he formed with our dear friend Greg.  The determination he took to go back to school and get his teaching credentials. Joe has always impressed me with his nerve, his tenacity, and I love him to pieces.

Monday, Joe and Matt will acquire their marriage license in my new home, New York City.  And I'll be there as a witness.  And I'm so goddamn happy to share that with them.  Come the end of April, I'll fly back to CA and take part in their wedding in Palm Springs.  It's my return to California since my move, and I'm scared as hell to see old friends in the flesh and looking forward to it all the same.

So, here's one of my gifts to Matt and Joe.  I wish you buckets of joy.  I wish you small, quiet smiles as you stare across the breakfast table. I wish you a cool bed, and time enough for love.


I watch you as you're sleeping
Such a gorgeous man
I'm so giddy, I can't bear it
All I've wanted, gone to plan

We'll rebuild this house together
and I'll hold you in my arms
Hear you talk about the weather
make me dizzy with all your charms
you'll laugh at my old jokes
and I'll
make you dinner
a gentle way to share our time

your life
my life
together we'll be married
kiss me
join me
forever rich and varied
breathe me
i'll breathe you too

it's not love
that i'm feeling
so much stronger than a word
it's the fire and the flutter
weaving simple and absurd

We'll rebuild this house together
and I'll hold you in my arms
Hear you talk about the weather
make me dizzy with all your charms
you'll laugh at my old jokes
and I'll
make you dinner
a gentle way to share our time

your life
my life
together we'll be married
kiss me
join me
forever rich and varied
breathe me
i'll breathe you too

1 comment:

  1. It was very nice meeting you today. I wish you all the best. Email me anytime to let me know how you are
    Keep the door to your box open always.
    Kimberly Newton
    Go to you tube and look up Ryan Newton, live with somebody you love.
    That is my son.
