
Monday, December 31, 2012

Gift #2 - The Stinky Toe Sandwich Song - for my nephew, CD


Running on an hour of sleep and was tempted to make the second gift this week another somber one.

Thought better of it, today.

Today, I want to push past the sad swimming round my guts.

Despite what I'm dealing with, I got up, did a wonderful production of  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe this morning.  Hugged a few kids in the audience afterwards.  Days like these remind me that making things, making theatre, is ardently bigger than me.  Than my ruddy flaws and fears.  That if I just show up and be present, good things can happen.

Last week, when I was back in California, staying at my sister's home, when I wasn't holed up in bed trying to sweat or sneeze or cry out all the sick and grief, I got to play with my nephew CD (Carter David).  He's two, and the first time I brought out my guitar for him, he started dancing. Then, he rushed to his parents room, and handed me a fistful of dollar bills.

So, it's a given that whenever he wakes up from a nap, or is about to take his evening bath, dance parties with Ole Uncle Jara are gonna be rockin' !  Dance parties consist of him worming around my air bed while I sing and play him my songs.

I wrote this one just for him.  He picked up a habit of saying "No way" to my sister, and this silly tune got him to change it to "no, thank you".  If you have kids, or love songs about stinky toe sandwiches, listen and smile.

I know  - in the same month, I write this song, and the saddest song in the world? 

It's all Walt Whitman up in this dome!

Happy New Year, and thanks for reading my odes and nonsense.


stinky toe sandwich
whats that
stinky toe sandwich
ooo weee
stinky toe sandwich
oh boy
out comes the stinky toe sandwich

one bite
no thank you
one bite
chomp chomp
no thank you
one bite
no thank you
one bite
chomp chomp
no thank you

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