
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Word Buddy- new love song


Like almost everything I do, this song grew out of an inside joke between myself and a friend of mine, Catherine Fowles. But, as time grew on, I discovered that this concept of "word buddies" - child-like as that phrase may be - really encapsulated the relationships I enjoy.  Raw, open discourse with people who continually remain unsatisfied with small talk.  Kindly beasts who press me to elaborate and who do not blink when I firmly do the same.

And this desired exchange with others, (combined with my deep, abiding affinity for pushing words together like toy cars in a sandbox), resulted in this song.

It's a love song about linguistics.  When it comes to my adult definition of love, Leo Buscaglia continues to shape my muddy thoughts.  In short, my pledge when I love someone is the following: to pay them attention and to fill their humble vessel with kindness and unexpected support. Granted, there are are a multitude of degrees these ministrations can take.

Lyrics and the video are below. There's quite a few odd, informative links in the lyrics, so be sure to poke around!

first verse

triadic relation
stepping out  through the mind's root cellar door
using echolocation
oh joyful noise  im craving more

sure i know im silly
sure i know youre cheeky
got a manicured mind
sure youre salty like a well-timed
sure i know your ribbing is the generous kind


but i dont want palaver and prattle
chew the sound and scorn the meaning like cattle
ill challenge you to signify
until i die
youre my word buddy

second verse

etymology hearken
buddy borne from brother kinship galore
see your countenance darken
its not so heady
heres whats in store

sure i know im zealous
sure i know your kidding cuz youre really quite scared
sure your armor is the fold of a syllable
sure i know that terror when your meaning is bared

but i dont want palaver and prattle
chew the sound and scorn the meaning like cattle
ill challenge you to signify
until i die
youre my word buddy


i must confess
ive got a motive nestled neatly
through this song
try to impress
pare down the facile and obsequious
its wrong
no matter if
were friends or sharing whispers in our bed
lets galvanize
cache your cogitations in my head
so one day senses fed
i will confide
i love you
and you will know the timbre of my
thats all i want

third verse

triadic relation
seeking to understand before i reply
feel that flush of elation
our resonation stronger than you and I

sure i know im silly
sure i know youre cheeky 

sure i know im silly
sure i know youre cheeky
got a manicured mind
sure youre salty like a well-timed
sure i know your ribbing is the generous kind


but i dont want palaver and prattle
chew the sound and scorn the meaning like cattle
ill challenge you to signify
until i die
youre my word buddy

youre my buddy 

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